Alumni is nothing but an ex-student of the college or school. He/she has observed things closely and may have useful suggestions for the school/college. Thus, alumni can play an important role in making the school or a college better. An ex-student may want to stay in touch with the school administration/staff or teachers by becoming alumni but as he/she might be out of town or at a distant location, he/she can’t be physically present at the school campus and apply for becoming alumni. An online alumni registration form built using the form builder can come in handy in this case. Here’s the sample form created using the FormsBook:

Our sample form (demo URL) allows ex-students to enter their full name and select their degree from the dropdown list. It features a drop-down list to select the year of completion of the degree and select his/her work status. The ex-student can choose one of these options for work status – unemployed, employed, or retired. If the wannabe alumni is retired, he/she can enter none in the current employer and your role at the employer text box else he/she must enter the name of the organization he/she works for and her/his current role. The alumni registration form also has fields to enter the ex-student’s residential address, phone number, current location, and email address. When the person fills our alumni registration form and clicks on the “Submit” button, the creator of the form will receive an email. The creator must log in to his FormsBook dashboard and click the “Data” option to see the details of the ex-student. If the ex-student’s profile is impressive, you can get in touch with him/her.